After being completely blown away after Aaron Draplin’s talk in Austin, Texas, the only thing to do was to get him over to the UK. Luckily Brendan Dawes from Beep Industries also had the same idea, so between us we organised an event in London and Manchester.
Aaron Draplin – founder of Portland’s Draplin Design Company, co-creator of Field Notes, one of the most sought after designers in America. His talk “Tall Tales from Large Man’ is currently touring the States and sponsored usually by the AIGA. So it was pretty impressive to bring it all the way over here with no big boys funding!!
Using scientific proof and state-of-the-art multimedia techniques, Aaron James Draplin delivers a suckerpunch of a talk that aims to provide bonafide proof of work, the highs and lows of a ferociously independent existence and a couple tall tales from his so-called career in the cutthroat world of contemporary graphic design.
Just a regular American guy with a trajectory a little dirtier than yours, his talk is open to all oncomers brave enough to show up. If you are a youngster, you may find yourself inspired to attack your design future in a different way. If you are established, you may just leave feeling grateful you don’t have anything to do with him.
The talk in London went really well with people from some top agencies, loads of freelancers and even some press. Some tweeted afterwards it was the best design talk they had ever been to.
All I can say is it would be great to do this again sometime!!